Where you park matters

Did you know that where your car “lives” can affect your car insurance?

Your auto rates can be determined by where your car is “principally garaged”- in other words, where your car is parked the majority of the time. The primary location of the vehicle can be a factor, in the event of a claim. If the principally garaged location is not disclosed, an insurer could state that you concealed vital information about the vehicle’s location, deny your claim, and cancel your policy.

In addition to rates and claims, some states require you to have minimum set limits. If your limits do not meet the state’s minimum requirements and your vehicle is primarily located within that state, you can receive hefty fines for being underinsured.

As summer approaches, and we spend more time in summer homes and secondary residences and even as our children are get ready to head to college in the fall, we recommend you evaluate where your vehicles will be parked for the majority of the year. It is always best to talk to your agent about your coverage, whenever you experience any life changes.

This article provides generic information only, for specific coverage questions on your policy please contact your Bouvier Agent at 860.232.4491 or www.binsurance.com.


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